Thank You

Thank You so Much For Booking with Us!

We cannot wait to welcome you to the studios!


You should have received an email confirmation, however if this has not come through yet, please let us know!


Please arrive on time for your booking, and report to the Paragon Sales Solutions main office upon arrival.

(this is located directly next to the studios)


Here, our friendly team will check you in, and give you a tour of the facilities and settle you in for the booking – we always recommend arriving 10 minutes before your booking.


We have saved you one parking space directly outside the studios, however we cannot guarantee any other parking spaces.


Please do not park at Favells Garage


We remain yours if you have any questions, queries, or special requests.


Thank you so much for choosing Paragon Creative Studios. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Rob Spence

And all at, Paragon Creative Studios/Paragon Sales Solutions


PS – as a reminder, we cannot refund bookings within 24 hours of your booking, however we will always endeavour to move your booking where possible

Paragon Creative Studios
Paragon Creative Studios

To learn more about our services, and to learn more about how we can support you, please be sure to contact us! We can’t wait to hear from you!